The St John Rescue Corps (SJRC) is committed to protect the visitors’ privacy whilst viewing the SJRC web pages in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2001. The underlying Privacy Policy explains the types of data collected and how this information will be used.
Access Information
The SJRC web servers automatically log each visit that they receive. This data contains some information about you: the Internet address of the computer you are using, the type of browser and operating system you are using and the Internet address of the web site from which you came from. It also contains some connection information such as the page or service you are requesting and the date and time of the request.
This information is used for the sole purpose of statistical information gathering and demographics relating to the SJRC web site, and enables us to determine general visitor patterns and pathways within our pages. This statistical data is then fed back into future design and usability modifications made to the SJRC web pages.
Personal Information
Submission Forms & Surveys
SJRC may collect personal information supplied through the use of web-based forms and surveys. This information will not be supplied to any third party, and will only be used for subsequent communications, if indicated by you, the user, at the time of submission. In submitting your personal information online, you are agreeing that SJRC may use your details for the sole purpose of conducting the business of the SJRC
Cookies are small pieces of information that a website can put on your hard drive in order for it to remember something about you at a later time. The information is in the form of a text file, which will only be understood by the web site that initially set the cookie.
The SJRC web site uses cookies for certain applications, e.g. to remember your name when filling in online forms. A cookie is also used to anonymously track how visitors interact with the University website, including where they came from and what they did. This is then used to ultimately provide a better online experience for all our audiences. You can stop your browser exchanging cookies with web servers at any time by changing the settings in your web browser.
If you contact SJRC by email, we keep a record of that correspondence for the purpose of conducting SJRC business. We do not add any email addresses of those who communicate with the SJRC through email to any mailing databases, nor do we pass this to any third party.
Contact Numbers
SJRC may collect contact numbers through the use of web-based forms and surveys. In submitting your contact number/s online, you are agreeing that SJRC may use your details solely for conducting the business of the SJRC and specifically for the purpose referred to on the web-based form or survey where the contact number/s are submitted.
Changes to the Privacy Policy
SJRC reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time. Visitors are invited to consult this Privacy Policy from time to time in order to become aware of any changes. The date when this Policy was last updated is indicated at the end of this Policy.
Last updated: 24-Sep-2016