Training Camp – Apr-May 2017

During the long-weekend between Friday the 29th of April and Monday the 1st of May, more than 30 operational Corps’ members took part in an intensive three-day training camp. This training camp took place in Verdala and it simulated a local medium-term deployment mission during which a temporary base of operations had to be set up. The Base of Operations included; a command centre, a staging area, sleeping quarters, recreational and eating area, showering area and a kitchen.

During this training camp several rescue exercises were carried out simultaneously in three different disciplines; Water Rescue, High Angle Rescue and Fire Fighting. For water rescue, boat rescue exercises where carried out alongside with rescue from land exercises together with their respective medical treatment scenarios. For high angle rescue, extrication of casualties from heights using tripods, pulley systems and counter-balances and aerial ropeway exercises where carried out. For fire-fighting, breathing apparatus search and rescue and LPG fires exercises where carried out. The training camp ended with an exercise in which various skills of all three disciplines had to be used in a technical rescue operation in an underground emergency flour mill.

A member from DLRG participated in this training camp giving us the opportunity to increase our knowledge-base and contacts with this organisation.

This training camp strengthened SJRC’s capabilities to deploy for a wider variety of scenarios and thus better serve the community in times of need. It also served for members to get to know each other more and to be better prepared in medium-term deployments.

This project has been funded through the Small Initiatives Support Scheme managed by the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector.

Camp - May 2017

Camp - May 2017

Camp - May 2017

Camp - May 2017