The Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector (MVCS), on 19th December 2012, presented the National Volunteer Award 2012 during a ceremony at the Mediterranean Conference Centre, Valletta. The National Volunteer Award recognises the important work carried out by those who volunteer with non-profit organisations, charities and NGOs, to contribute towards volunteering.
The 2012 National Volunteer Award was presented to:
- 1st Place: Christopher Borg Cardona from St John Rescue Corps – Malta
- 2nd Place: Philip Chircop from the Central Bank Pensioners Association
- 3rd Place: Rosalind Agius from the Abandoned Animals Association
The Awards were presented by Chairperson MCVS Robert Farrugia, Chairperson of the Evaluation Committee Miriam Teuma and Joe Dimech.
During his speech, Mr Robert Farrugia said that year after year one can constantly see the fruits of volunteering as no activity in Malta takes happens without the help of voluntary organisations.
Assistant Commissioner Christopher Borg Cardona
Mr Borg Cardona currently holds the post of an Assistant Commissioner responsible for Operations of the Rescue Corps. He currently coordinates rescue operations organized by the Corps which also involve offering back up rescue services to the Civil Protection Department. Such rescue operations include large fires, floods, fireworks explosions etc. He is responsible for a team of around 40 active rescue volunteers coming from different sectors of society.
He started as a volunteer with the Rescue Corps at the age of 21 years following a wide range of rescue training courses ranging from high angle rescue, water rescue, rescue diver, urban search and rescue, road traffic collisions, and firefighting. Over the years he has developed significant expertise in the rescue sector.
In the past months, along with other senior officers, he has been actively involved in the re-organisation of the Rescue Corps.
Ever since he joined the Corps he has been extremely committed. He does a lot of work and planning behind scenes. He does all the voluntary work over and above his professional job. His family is extremely supportive. He is an inspiration for many members of the Corps.
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